Scandisk.exe For Dos

2020. 3. 5. 11:30카테고리 없음

Chkdsk exe

Scandisk.exe For Dos Os


After formatting Drive C and reinstall Win95b I now get this error message when I run Scandisk in Windows. But only on drives E, F & G. On C & D Scandisk runs fine.ScanDisk cannot check this drive now because the disk is not properly formatted, or a program such as a disk utility has locked it. Format the disk or wait for the utility to finish, and then restart ScanDisk.Pentium 233mmx96M RAMWin95bHDD #1 Western Digital Caviar 32500, 2.5G Drives C & EHDD #2 Quantum Bigfoot CY, 6.4G Drives D, F & GDrives C & D Fat16, Drives E, F &G Fat32If you need more info on hardware or software please ask and I'll post.Before format of C Scandisk worked on all drives.Also after installed Microsoft Plus, I had to extract Dblspace.bin, Drvspace.bin and Scandisk.exe from cabs. Also tried extracting Scandskw.exe to no avail.

(Scandisk is for DOS, Scandskw is for Windows)I checked out Microsoft Support Article ID: Q134456Symptoms apply, but Resolution does not.Thank in advance.

The scandisk that the computer runs when you didn't shut down properly is the dos version of scandisk. The version that you get to run in windows is a different program.The dos version is named scandisk.exe and is normally in c:windowscommandThe windows version is named scandskw.exe and normally located in c:windowsTo find out what happend to your scandisk.exe, go toStartFind now enter scandisk.exe and click find now.If it finds this file, you need to copy it to the 'c:windowscommand' folder.If it does not find the file, let me know, we should have no problem getting it back for you.Cletus. To CletusS:Partially sorry. I'm new of this site (started 12 hours ago). I just noted that this question was pending with No Answer, and I simply didn't spend time reading other messages, but went straight to the answer, as I usually do. This is a matter of habit: as I manage an help desk, I'm used to carefully avoid to hear any previously expressed opinion on a problem, and to start from scratch: otherwise it would be a confusing mess. In this occasion, the answer was so simple and obvious, so we answered approximately the same way.

No surprise for me.Now, pls. Note that it is also bad form to accuse somebody else to have taken your answer.

If you stopped just for some seconds more to think about the fact, you would have realized by yourself what I explained above, about the obviousness of the answer. If you examinate my answers to other less simple questions, you will note that my answers are not similar to any other. My friend, do you really think that one can live for the points of this site? Do you really think that people could be so deeply involved in this 'game', to steal answers each other?:-)Well, if this is clear now, I also have no problems to say that it is true that your answer is more detailed, and that it is a very good answer (or comment, as you please).


Just note that, more than you did, I have suggested to replace the file, and the location of the original file. Not a big effort, of course, and not a big demonstration of knowledge.I mean, I wouldn't speak of 'Value', for such a simple matter:-)Anyway, it's no problem for me, hope it's not for you.

I don't know if it's possible to cancel the answer, and how. Let me know, if you're experienced, and I will do it, don't be angry.Finally, just one info: why nobody gave an 'Answer' to this question? I mean, I can only see 'Comments'.

Is there any reason not to 'answer' to some questions, that I don't know? (or, is it a rule?) For example: why didn't you submit an Answer?Bye, have a nice day. I will try to read other messages before answering, next times. And you could try to directly Answer the questions, so that one can clearly see that his suggestions are not needed anymore, without losing time.

Hergy, did you find the scandisk.exe file as I suggested?enrico, well if were just for the glory of points, well, I would guess that you need to look back and take a look at who simply threw an answer just to get the points. As you can see hergy still has a problem, and because you 'answered', he failed to recognize my comment. (Which may actually lead to a solution)And one more thing, just because someone has placed an 'answer' this doesn't mean that additional suggestions will not be helpful or appreciated.Cletus. (To CletusS:hey, CletusS, what's this, a war? God, is it so crucial???Let's try to resolve Hergy's problem, in spite of chatting with no sense.)So.To HERGY:based on what you wrote, you shouldn't have msdos.sys or corrupted.pls. Do the following:1.

Start an MS-DOS prompt in Windows 95.2. Change directory to C:WindowsCommand3. Type: ren scandisk.exe scandisk.uxu 4. Type: ren scandisk.ini scandisk.unu Insert the Microsoft Windows 95 OSR2 CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive.5. Type: copy:win95scandisk.ex e C:windowscommand 6.

Scandisk.exe For Dos De

Type: extract /A /L b scandisk.ini ( is the letter of the CD-ROM drive)7. Restart your PC in Ms-Dos mode8. Change directory to C:WindowsCommand9. Type scandisk c: Now, scandisk should BEGIN to run.Assuming that Scandisk begins to run, it may happen that it cannot finish the scan process.During startup, the OSR2 versions of Io.sys and check the Virtual File Allocation Table's (VFAT) Clean Shutdown and Hard Disk Error bits. If either of these bits is turned on (cleared to 0) on any drive, prompts to run ScanDisk.The Clean Shutdown bit and the Hard Disk Error bit are the two low-order bits of the FAT entry for cluster 1. If bit 0 is 0, it indicates an unclean shutdown; if bit 1 is 0, it indicates a hard disk error on that drive.